
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Depok Beach

Now we're talking about a culinary tour again there at one area in Jogja. places are Depok Beach is also located in Bantul, Yogyakarta.
Depok beach close to the Parangtritis beach, besides its beauty is not lost with depok beach and a Parangtritis beach we will also find a tempting culinary tour of a variety of seafood dishes.
Here we coud choose a variety of seafood to suit our tastes, ranging from various kinds of fish, crawfish, crabs and various kinds of other seafood with relatively low prices and of course the pleasure typical of the cuisine jogja.
For a you're favorite the seafood is very appropriate for this visit to Depok Beach, enjoyed a meal in the lodge are available at the beach while enjoying the beach and the waves breaking breeze which was blowing quite a travel experience like no other.
Depok enjoy the beautiful beach while the evening is very pleasant and can calm the mind which has been saturated with all kinds of routines and busyness that takes time, effort, and our minds are a requirement of living in today, by visiting this beach and enjoy all sorts of treats natural beauty and a wide assortment of seafood choices will certainly help us greatly to further reinvigorate our minds and bodies

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  1. good morning,
    nice info..and thx for visit.

  2. good morning too my friend,,
    thanks for visit and keep connected :)

  3. Buku tamunya kenapa tuh gan..
    kaga mau nongol...

  4. @Ngalor Ngidul : Thanks for blogwalking my friend..keep connected :)

  5. @Info Game Online : Lg ada error gan,,kalo skarang kayanya udah bisa dah :)

  6. @Lucifer Komputer : Thanks for support my friend :)

  7. Nice post sob. :)

    Ditunggu kunjungan balik dan komentnya... :)

    Oh ya udah saya follow...follow back ya??? :)

    Sukses selalu... :)

  8. @Md. Shahriar Haque : Thanks for visiting my friend..keep Connected :)

  9. @Mari beribadah : Thanks atas supportnya sob...segera meluncur ke TKP buat comment and follow :)

